The Proposal Editing Service offers a full range of proofreading and copy-editing services for all types and sizes of externally sponsored funding proposals.
- What is this service?
The proposal editor is available on a first-come, first-served basis to provide confidential editing support to help ensure that your proposal is convincing, well-organized, and error-free by:
- Confirming adherence to proposal guidelines, review criteria, and sponsor requirements
- Offering suggestions to strengthen the significance and impact
- Correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice
- Editing for optimal clarity and organization
- Identifying inconsistencies and red flags
- Making sure that resubmissions address reviewer concerns
- Reducing text to meet page/word/or character limits
- Ensuring strong grantsmanship and readability
- Improving formatting
Please note: The proposal editing service DOES NOT include any of the following:
- Review of the science
- Budget development or review
- Completion of forms
- Writing sections of proposal
- Assistance with graphics
- Editing manuscripts or other documents
- Editing, inserting, or removing figures, tables, or references
- Assistance with completion of or obtaining documents such as biosketches, letters of collaboration or support, current and pending support, etc.
- Who is eligible?
All Pitt faculty members
NOTE: The Office of Research, Health Sciences (OORHS) offers application assistance services including editing assistance and other services tailored to the needs of faculty in the six schools of the health sciences.
- How do I submit an editing request?
Complete the editing request form and attach all required documents
Recommended: Submit request with required documents at least 3 weeks before the application deadline*
Required documents include:
- Near final proposal draft in Word (an editable PDF file is acceptable if the document cannot be converted to Word)
- Funding solicitation
- Agency reviews, if the proposal is a resubmission
- Any other information/documents that may be pertinent to the proposal review
*Editing requests made less than three weeks before the application deadline may be accepted, depending on the volume of editing requests and other internal approval and submission deadlines. If you are submitting a request for editing with an application deadline that is less than 3 weeks away, please contact the Proposal Editor at to verify service availability.
- When will the edits be returned?
Once a request with all required documents is received, you will get an email confirmation from the proposal editor. If the demand for services is too high to accommodate your request, the editor will let you know in this email.
Allow at least 10 business days for the email return of the edited document with changes and comments in track changes.
Please understand that during periods of high volume, we may be unable to accommodate all requests.
- How do I schedule virtual office hours with the Proposal Editor?
The Proposal Editing Service holds weekly virtual office hours by appointment for faculty members at any stage of the grant writing process. Appointments are available for a 15-minute introductory meeting or a 30-minute consultation.
Schedule an appointment with the Proposal Editor to:
- Learn more about how the Proposal Editing Service can help you
- Discuss how to get started writing your proposal
- Ask questions about funding solicitation requirements
- Get feedback on an early draft or section of your proposal (such as the Specific Aims)
- Talk about any grant writing-related issue
Email the Proposal Editor at for further information about Proposal Editing Services or to schedule a meeting outside of the regularly offered office hours.

Please use our form to request proposal editing services and attach required documents for review

Christine Barberio
Schedule a virtual appointment with the Proposal Editor